Currently | June 2016


Friends, I feel like June has just been a hard month for everyone. At least, that's the impression I get. Between our collective mourning for Orlando and the general grit we find ourselves rubbing up against in our everyday lives, we're all wandering through painful, thin places.

I have struggled through a lot of depression, anxiety, and shame this month, so I won't be sad to see it go. But there have been beautiful things, too, so I'm choosing to share those.


loving: days off. Because I can read all the books and clean all the rooms and watch all the Netflix and pretend that the world outside doesn’t exist. Also, I have been obsessed with instagram lately.

needing: more diligence. Always more diligence.

wanting: a mani/pedi, and to be sunbathing. Also wanting a house of our own so bad I can’t stand it.

celebrating: family birthdays, our third anniversary, and lessons learned in the past three years.

writing: a lot about shame, lately, and finding space to come undone. Also, my first letter for More Love Letters (how did I really wait this long?).

reading: Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly, Liz Gilbert’s Big Magic, the book of Genesis, and this post by Jenna Bednarsky over and over and over again.

watching: Friday Night Lights with the man, Pretty Little Liars by myself (because he just can’t stand it) and the documentary Matt Shepard is My Friend (be prepared to sob if you watch this).

listening: Resurrecting, by Elevation. On repeat all day everyday. In Your name, I come alive to declare your victory. 

wishing: there were a few more hours in the day.

drinking: lots and lots of water, and I always knew that it made a difference, but gosh, I feel so much better whenever I have a full glass beside me throughout the day.

eating: cinnamon buns as big as our heads last week in Charleston. If you’re ever in town, you absolutely must stop at The Obstinate Daughter for brunch. It was, by far, the highlight of our trip.


Amber and I threw the doors wide open and invited anyone and everyone (that means you) to hang out with us for coffee dates this month.

I feel like this post on marriage is one of the best things I have ever written.

There you have it, a recap of June. I'd love to hear what your month was like and what you've been up to lately!