Currently | August

loving | God really answered my prayers for community this month. There were a couple of key occasions where I dared to be vulnerable. Tangibly thick moments where the tension was heavy and I could have easily shrugged it off and taken the easier road. Except that I didn't, which never would have happened this time last year. I honestly feel like a different person.

needing | My soul feels so cluttered when we let our apartment go for a couple weeks, so I think with the long Labor Day weekend coming up, I'll scrub all the things.

feeling | August was filled to the brim with all of the feelings, but I have to say, at the end of the day, the one that overwhelms them all is that I am exactly where I need to be.

wanting | Time to clean my apartment, books, for this semester of life groups to go well, more truth, more wisdom, more clarity and direction.

reading | On my second (or third?) read of Emily P. Freeman's Simply Tuesday. I accidentally started a life group (read: book club) at our little church, and this is the first book we are reading.

listening | Colin & Caroline, Amanda Cook, The Oh Hello's, podcast sermons.

watching | C and I watched the pilot episode of Dexter last night, but I don't know how I feel about it. That inner monologue thing gets on my nerves.

smelling | In August, I went out and bought all things lavender, and I could not be happier with that decision.

travelling | We took a spur of the moment trip to North Carolina to visit Elevation Church for the first time. We love visiting other churches to learn what they are doing right and what we can bring back home to our little church. We heard from Holly Furtick on giving what you want to get, and it was like she had been reading my journal. I loved every minute of being there.

Tell me all the things about your August!