favorites // september

Because these things deserve all the heart eye emojis: 

What Elizabeth Gilbert Wants You to Know about Big Magic via Marie Forleo // This interview has been, without a doubt, my favorite thing to come from the web in September. I loved soaking up Liz's words about creativity and living fearlessly. Both Liz and Marie carry so much grace and courage and the perfect dash of badass. I went out and bought this book immediately, because obviously.

Emily's words on living in a what now season, and what happened after her husband John quit his job. // Because the man and I just quit our jobs and are learning how to leap before we look.

In Which I Tell Myself "Why the Hell Not?" by Caitlyn Battelle // Caitlyn is my friend and a fellow INFJ and her words of wisdom and compassion make me feel less alone. She perfectly captures my current state of being.

This tweet from Bob Goff, who always manages to make me cry in 140 characters or less.

Take Yourself Out of the Running by Jess Connolly  // These words about comparison and envy and deciding to cease our striving for perfection in favor of worshiping a perfect God.

Maybe a tattoo idea? I have a feeling I could go tattoo crazy. Definitely getting one for my 25th birthday.

15 Truths You Need to Be Telling Yourself on the Regular by Ashley Beaudin // Over the past few months, Ashley has become one of my closest friends on the web. She is the real deal when it comes to loving people, and is unwavering when it comes to telling you the truth about yourself.

I'm also listening to this Shane and Shane album a LOT lately. So many classics.

And what would a monthly favorites post be without some words from Hannah Brencher? This woman constantly makes me crave more of Jesus.

I'd love to hear all about your favorites. Let's chat in the comments below.