Let's Talk | June Goals

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I honestly cannot even believe that it is June 1st, and that we are already six months into the year. Last month was filled to the brim with God's provision, fresh starts, community, and learning. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about my fear of goal setting. I wrote about how hard it is for me to embrace being a work in progress. But, since Ann says June is the new January, I'd like to try to befriend the process once again. It will probably be an uphill battle, but I'll start here.

Follow the Every Dollar budget we created for June. Every Dollar is designed by Dave Ramsey and covers pretty much everything we need to set up a great budget and stick to it. But of course, sticking to the budget is up to us. I feel like sticking to a budget will make me feel more like a responsible adult, and if we abide by our financial parameters for ten months, we should have enough in savings to put a great down payment on a house (and I really want to buy a house).

Deep clean our apartment. It is a little late for spring cleaning, but I want to spend one hour per day cleaning. This, like the first goal, will really go a long way toward helping me feel like a successful, responsible adult. Plus, it is much easier to spend time in a clean house than it is in a messy one.

Eat out less. With groceries included in our June budget, I want to cook more and eat out less. This will help me be mindful about what goes into my body. I'd like to significantly reduce the amount of caffeine and sodium I consume. (Funny note here, I was looking at a Whole 30 cookbook in Target yesterday, and Craig literally said he would take a bullet for me before he would do Whole 30). Also, I've learned that I actually enjoy meal planning!

Track all of my meals. I recently started using an app to track meals, but I haven't been as consistent as I should. So in order to be healthier and keep a record of what I'm consuming and how it affects my overall health, I am going to make an honest effort to enter all my meals.

Go to the gym at least 2x per week. Honestly, I haven't really pushed myself at the gym, and I know that I need to. But I don't love cardio -- so I want to try to figure out what will work for me.

Finish the She Reads Truth Genesis study as well as Jane Johnson's quiet time challenge. I am currently seven days into the Genesis study, and Jane's challenge started today. I have about an hour and a half in the mornings once I get to work before the darling girl I nanny gets up for the day, and I want to use that time wisely.

Read 2 books. At the moment, I'm looking forward to reading Sarah Bessey's Jesus Feminist and Henri Nouwen's The Only Necessary Thing, but I have a hard time committing to books, so I may read one or the other or two different ones entirely.


Honestly? My skin is already crawling just at the thought of clicking publish, so will you say a prayer that my attempts to befriend the process are successful? Do you have goals you would like to share? I'd love to know how I can encourage and pray for you this month.